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Thanksgiving Recipes From Pinterest

Thanksgiving is around the corner and I have been stalking Pinterest for ideas on what I want to cook.

Here are some of my favorites.

This just makes me hungry by looking at it. I been wanting to try something different with this year's turkey and this differently is what I have in mind.

I love stuffing and this one looks so good. I love trying to vamp up my stuffing.

Yams are definitely a favorite of mine for Thanksgiving and I really think this sweet potato casserole looks yummy.

If you haven't experienced Texas Roadhouse Rolls then you have definitely been missing out. I'd love to try to make my own rolls this year.

This seriously looks amazing and would make a great side for Thanksgiving.

You can't go wrong with some smothered bacon green bean casserole.

I love turkey gravy and I'd love to make my own this year.

Of course you got to have some dessert for Thanksgiving and I love some apple crisp.

That's all!


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