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TOP 5 Pinterest Recipes (I Want To Try)

1. Chicken Ranch Wraps

I actually recently tried this and it is so good. I used just regular ranch and it was amazing. I also added onions to mine and the combination of chicken, cheese, onions and ranch was just delicious.

2. Million Dollar Spaghetti

This looks amazing. Makes me hungry.

3. The Ultimate Southern Style Burger

This looks so good. I always love a good burger recipe.

4. Better Than Anything Cake

So someone made this for a family gathering after Thanksgiving and I believe this is the same thing (all I knew was it was a cake that had whip cream on it and heath bars on top). I know what we had that day was amazing. I been wanting to make this for awhile.

Pin this for later:

5. Slow Cooker Barbecue Chicken Wings

I love wings and some ranch. Sounds so good right now.

That's all! I am sure I made most of you hungry just by reading this.


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